Cloudland Blue Quartet - Ersatzreal
Various - Holiday Hits Vol 19
Count Brodski texted me last night whilst I was in a rather worse for wear state asking if I was up for moving a couple of sofas this morning at 10:00...
I of course texted back some drunken message along the lines of "no problem big man"....
Rather surprisingly, I was up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 8 am feeling not too bad - and Anne had been up at 3am apparently, drinking copious amounts of water to stave off any hangover first thing..
We breakfasted at home while listening yet again to the latest mock up of the next CBQ song based album (21 April version 2) and making various disparaging comments about my singing and where on earth I get my ideas from...
Alan arrived around 10:30 and the three of us set off in his hired van for the storage facility where his sofas were being kept for the week between his moving out of his old place and his move in yesterday....
In fact Alan had two rooms full of stuff which included two sofas which weren't quite as big as this one...

...but were still pretty big...
We had a fun time going up and down in the lift inside Alan's furniture and the van was finally loaded and ready to go around 12...
We drove over to the new flat he's sharing with his lovely girlfriend Penny....
By 1:15 we'd each made a good ten trips or so up and down the fifty odd steps to the back door, including two carrying the sofas - and we were all well and truly knackered when Penny's mum and dad dropped by for a look round...
Lunch beckoned and we first made our way to the Gallery of Modern Art only to find all they had left was half a scone...
So we carried on to The Granary down by the river, which Anne and I had walked past a few weeks ago on our long trek from Roseburn to Stockbridge...
We relaxed in the bar watching Man U and Chelsea play out a fairly uneventful 0-0 draw whilst enjoying a tasty meal and some much needed liquid refreshment (us I mean, not Man U and Chelsea)...
As the final whistle aproached we left Alan and Penny to return to the flat to do some cleaning and we headed home, watching extra time and Chelsea winning with a very late goal...
In the evening "Dr Who" was a returning highlight following last week's postponement due to the Eurovision Song Contest....
Later on I fell asleep during both "CSI New York" and "Law & Order"...
Bed at 11:30...
Sore arms...
Highlight of the Day : Helping out my old chum....
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