A Thin Lizzy compilation which contains the two tracks from one of the first singles I bought "Whiskey in the Jar" and "Black Boys on the Corner"...
...and a CD of mainly medieval music by Virelai called "Sad Steps" which includes a version of King Crimson's "Trio" as transcribed by Andrew Keeling...
Not content with having done that, I also returned to HMV and splashed the cash for the 6CD box of Mozart I mentioned yesterday..

An evening off tonight as Anne and I head to No 3 Restaurant up town - one of the best in Edinburgh (http://www.no3royalterrace.com/No3_Main.htm)...
In the car we listened to a selection of Mozart overtures and arias from his many operas - it was like being in an episode of "Morse"..
The food was brilliant - Anne proclaimed her fillet steak to be the best she'd ever had...
No pudding as we were just too full following starters and steaks...
A good old chat with chum and owner Nigel Hogg before returning home for "Desperate Housewives"...
I turned in early...
Tonight in the mirror before going out I looked old and ill...
Highlight of the Day : A meal at No 3
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