Friday, March 17, 2006

Gone fishing...

OK so I probably went a bit OTT yesterday re the pain...

Today, probably because I was going to the doctor, it wasn't quite so sore. But my right arm was now suffering from pins and needles all the way down into my hand. The result of a trapped nerve through sleeping in a strange position to try and avoid the pain in the left bedtime it was almost back to normal...

To the docs and, suffice to say, treatment is forthcoming...

In the evening I voted for a Chinese Takeaway but, despite the fact we are having Indian tomorrow night with Dr Prog and his good lady wife, Anne casts her vote for an Indian Takeaway...

While we're waiting we book a houseboat for Amsterdam later this year having booked the flight this morning...

Then we watch a hilarious clip e-mailed to me of some guy in America trying to fish and having various accidents with fishing rods...

Telly wise it's "My Name is Earl" and "Desperate Housewives" on video, "Law & Order" (live) (whilst recording more of "My Name is Earl") and then off to bed...

Illegally copied the Return to Forever and Mars Vota CDs...

On this day last year we were in Ronda and I remember being in Amsterdam a few years ago on St Patrick's Day with Mr Brodie and his then partner Julie...

Time flies when you're having fun...

Highlight of the Day : The Fishing Clips

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