And so I get up and go out for a short drive around the environs, taking in the start of the day and recording a few images...

As I drive into the hills, the radio station reminds me that the clocks have gone forward an hour in the night. I return to the apartment at, now, 8:30 and we listen to some Mozart on the jukebox and speakers before setting out for some initial provisions...

The smell of woodsmoke is in the air and, in the main street, a horse is tethered at the Town Hall. We also see a few cats and dogs along the way. We visit the bakery opposite the castle wall and the grocery store further down in the , almost one-street, town...

Back home, and our room is soon filled with the aroma of fresh coffee and heating croissants...
We take breakfast sitting in the garden enjoying the morning sun before taking a walk around the village, stopping off for a beer on the way before returning to the garden for lunch...

Then we drive to the nearby (spookily familiarly named) town of Reillanne...
It’s much larger than Cereste and has an imposing church (St Denis) sitting on the hill which overlooks the town and the surrounding area...

Last night whilst looking for a suitable dinner venue we’d spied a Pizza Truck parked in Cereste. Today it was in Reillanne – possibly for this morning’s market which we’d by now missed...
After climbing the hill to the church and descending again, we head to the main square for a quiet seat before heading back to Cereste, but not before taking Anne’s photo beside the town sign...

We have afternoon coffee in the garden as I listen to Rheostatics on the headphones then compile a lady songwriter playlist for communal listening...
Later, back inside, I have a snooze while Anne reads, then we drive back to Reillanne in search of the Pizza Truck for tea. It’s not there, but a different one is. People arrive in cars and on mopeds to pick up previously phoned in orders as we wait for ours to be cooked. A quick drive home and we enjoy the pizzas with another bottle of local red wine purchased this morning...

Finally, we take a “constitutional”, visiting the same bar we did this morning, for one last drink before heading home for the night...
Highlight of the Day : The Visit to Reillanne
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