Wednesday, March 12, 2025

When we were a sextet...

The current usual routine (until Luna goes home anyway) opened the day...

Pics created of yesterday's plays and acquisitions and this written up...

For once (or twice) Luna was with me...

Just after 10, I took our old(er) telly over to Malcolm's to upgrade his viewing system...

On arrival, he showed me these old pics of us in our Call Me Clive days - this was probably around 1989...

Our short-lived sextet phase...

L-R Fritha Lewin - Saxophone; Malcolm Logan - Vocals, Percussion; Spooky Green - Drums; David Reilly - Bass, Vocals; Breave Moffatt - Guitars; Nick Aldrige - Keyboards

For an undisclosed reason, Malcolm also wanted a pic of this display on his table...

New TV up and running...

Old TV (will not be dumped apparently)...

Internet up and running...

Coffees and chat and then home...

In the afternoon, Michael Portillo in Braga...

...then, over to Anne's mum's...

...where her pics adorn the walls...

We were off out... the Gallery of Modern Art...

...for a small cake...

...and big coffees...

The lift took us up...

..for a wee look around the shop - including a book possibly written by me...

A look around...

...before I collected the car...

... and drove to the front to pick up the ladies...

Mum back home, us then, too, back home...

The cats over the road entertained...

...and wee Fang visited...

Dreamies on the doorstep then, off he hopped...

...with one last look...

A new idea re some string quartets by a Blue Sky chum, composer Stanley Grill...

Later, it occurred that using the slow movements from Shostakovich's quartets would afford me the next in my "Classical" series...

I made it so and, lo, it sounded pretty good...

We'll see how it sounds tomorrow, of course...

The moon was out this evening...

And badly photographed...

Mmmm, steak pie for tea...

And, tonight (or possibly last night?) the end of our available episodes of "resident Alien"...

Highlight of the Day : Visits...

Today's New Music:-

Today's Playlist:-

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