Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Something out of almost nothing and a machine that is not really that soft...

Into year 21 we go, or, rather, I go...

Looked back at the first few anniversaries of the diary and noted that I'd noted each time how little had changed...

After 20 years, that remains so...

I am a creature of (stupid) habit...


Some filing awaited (for another time)...

But, first...

The Luna ritual...


To work compiling todays #PlayEveryCD playlist...

In all, over the course of the day, 13 things required to be reconstituted...

Pre breakfast, Luna joined me in the computer room...

While I poured my coffee, I forgot to shut the kitchen door - she was soon way up on top of the cupboards...

Cheeky monkey...

Wednesday today...

Luna settled down...

And, having taken Anne to Zumba, I was off over to Balerno to visit Malcolm...

Bits have fallen off his house...

The council told him not to move them...

We set about to work - here his working conditions...

A recording was made of an idea he had on the keyboard...

Then, I copied an old cassette he had with "noise" on it...

And that was that...

Crazy Wisdom lives!

 Out and to the local Indian for lunch...


Home around 2 to allow Anne to head for a meet at her mum's care home...

I worked on Malcolm's ideas and, eventually had a new 8 minute piece...

"Cowboys and Indians", which uses Malcolm's noise and his keyboard piece, each playing forwards, backwards and at half speed and all combined, to which I added edits of a re-tuned and adjusted tempo Disquietmusik guitar piece (Alpha Phi (1961)) and a rhythm bed...

And, lo, it was good...

A small tea for me re lunch..

Then, out and a 30 minute drive to Kinross, to the Green Hotel...

...for a performance by...

Soft Machine...

Asif Sirkis on drums...

Theo Travis on woodwind, brass and keys...

Fred Baker on bass...

...and, celebrating 50 years with the band in a fortnight, John Etherington on guitar...

An excellent first set...

Dr Prog and Blue Sky chum Iain McKinnon had had to pull out due to family stuff - and so I recorded proceedings on my phone, not entirely sure how that would turn out...

Half time...

The room...

The two latest studio CDs purchased - even though I have downloads...

Setlist, much amended in illegible hand writing...

Second set, from my position in row 2...

Another 50 minutes or so of top notch noodling...

All over...

The drive home was accompanied by the first set - sounding not bad...

Anne and Luna were waiting on me when I arrived home...

...with goodies...

And so, off to bed with set two in the cans...

A good day indeed...

Highlight of the Day : Soft Machine...

Today's New Music:-

Today's Playlist:-

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