Monday, March 17, 2025

Dipping in is what I do much of the time...

Up and dishes done...

St Patrick's day - means nothing to me, apart from, once, we were in Amsterdam on this day...

Luna fed...

..and looking out for birds at the bird feeder...

Collating CDs that "need" to be ripped to continue with the "play every CD" project...

A call from the solicitor - a viewing at 1pm...

Meanwhile, "Luna, you're looking the wrong way!"... see the squirrel...

That's better...

Acrobatic squirrel with small ears at the feeding station, enjoying the birds' fat balls...

Out and over to Loanhead - arrived early, so, a coffee at Dunelm - discussing my CD buying "illness"...

To the house - the father of a viewer from last Sunday was round to make notes re required renovations...

Hopes are high re this one...

Back to the Corstorphine Inn...

...for lunch...

Home for jazz...

...and post Miles in Japan in 1975, dipping into this huge collection...

...which has an accompanying great big book (auf Deutsch)…

Issued in 1996, the 12 CD box contains works by 75 different composers, from Pachelbel from the 1670s... Philip Glass...

...with recordings taken from the catalogues of Deutsche Grammophon, Philips and Decca…

Anne to Pilates - me ripping Classic CDs and recording the podcast...

On her return, baked potatoes...

...and "University Challenge" - 90...

Podcast uploaded and listening back - which sent me to sleep...

Reasonably early to bed but could not sleep...

Highlight of the Day : A good viewing...

Today's New Music

Today's Playlist


impossible songs said...

All that listening sounds like hard work.

Cloudland Blue Quartet said...

The worst part is having to rip not already ripped CDs - especially those where I have to type in all the details myself! Other than that, enjoying a couple of hours a day of listening - only playing one track per CD so it only takes a year or so...