Up to good skies...
Last day of tending to Luna first thing...
I will miss our wee ritual...
Today, there was to be a viewing at mum's house at 5:30 pm so, we decided to make a Midlothian day of it and, around 11, headed out to Dalkeith, to the Country Park there - where we've never been, despite the decades we've spent in its relative vicinity...
A lovely day...
Initial look around...
The Orangerie...
A bridge..
The river...
Then, inside at the courtyard, to look at the wares...
Lovely and peaceful here and only 20 minutes' drive away...
Then, a walk through the woods...
...and over to the "big" house...
...and its impressive grounds (which, of course, include everything we'd seen thus far)...
There was no access though...
Out past the church, leaving the car behind...
...we walked into Dalkeith...
...to the Cavaliere, a staple here since 1968...
A very good lunch was enjoyed...
Pate and Bruschetta...
Sea bass fillet with truffle infused mash and broccoli...
"Home made" lasagne...
...and a litre of sparking water...
Back to the park, past the church where nephew Andy and Tori were married...
...and passed the spot where the last person to be hanged in Dalkeith, was hanged...
...and past what was once the Cross Keys Hotel, scene of what was, for me, a memorable gig by my band Rough Cut (schoolchum Dood's final gig with the band) with support from Pure Bears (with current Capital Models keyboardist, Paul), back in February 1979, taped for posterity by sister Pam...
Back to the house and a walk down to the river...
Under the bridge and up the other side...
Coffee/Diet Irn Bru and a shared Smarties Cookie at the kitchen...
Then, back to the car and a short drive to Newbattle Abbey and a wander around its grounds...
The beast was trying to gain entry to old houses, to no avail...
It looked nice inside - now a college...
Out to Penicuik to Penicuik House (a ruin), where there wasn't even access to its grounds...
So, round to sister Sheila's but she was out at the vet with Maisie for a check up...
We did meet nephew Ali and wee Beau out for a power walked though...
To the nearby retail park and new black boots acquired for a very good price...
Then, finally, to Loanhead for the viewing...
A very enthusiastic young couple with the young lad's mum...
Home to Luna and getting her stuff packed up...
"Wait! Who's coming?"
During the Greece v Scotland game, Gillian and Olly came, back from Florida, to take our wee guest away and back tot their home where, no doubt, Leo the wee dog would continue to annoy Luna the wee cat...
A win for Scotland 1-0 via a very very dodgy penalty decision and after having been completely under the cosh for the entire second half...
But, hey, that's football...
Quite possibly an episode of "The Bay" later on...
That was it...
Highlight of the Day : A tour of Midlothian...
Today's New Music
Today's Playlist
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