Sunday, March 02, 2025

Always rewarding to discover good new comedy...

Today's listening was sourced from these...

Another large playlist due to the new project...

Eggs for breakfast...

...and we started new discovery, "Resident Alien", which was superbly funny...

My project to ensure all CD-Rs are on the hard drives was brought to a conclusion - 950 CD-R based titles now included all told...

Post lunch, Anne was off to see her mum and do some shopping...

I watched (and enjoyed) a rather strange but very interesting film, "The Man From Earth"...

Then, I listened to some music via the small machine in the back room...

...and my phone...

Fish and beans for tea -  a surprisingly good combination...

Ahead of the game, recording and uploading this week's podcast...

The weekend almost over...

More "Resident Alien" before bed just before midnight...

Highlight of the Day : Resident Alien

Today's New Music:-

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