Saturday, March 08, 2025

Differently cut onions make a difference...

Up shortly before 7 today, Saturday again - always vies with Friday for best day of the week...

The view...

Cat routine - into the kitchen for the key...

To the back door...


Luna knows where the biscuits are...

...and, as every day of her stay, I provide the requisite handful...

This is the only time of the day when she pays any attention to me whatsoever...

Oh well...

Another view...

...and logging on...


Listening to tracks from yesterday's purchases...

Writing this...

Compiling today's #PlayEveryCD list...

Uploading the first of my two collaborations with Robert Scott Thompson, for release on the 21st - sleeve notes and credits remain to be done...

Surprisingly, Luna was with me, albeit, behind the curtain...

Out to Loanhead for a viewing of my mum's house at 11:30 -  a young first time buying couple with the the girl's dad...

A very encouraging encounter - but they need to get their finances sorted...

Well, let's see - I have two more tomorrow afternoon...

As we were in Loanhead, it seemed rude not to go to the Radhuni, mum's favourite Indian restaurant, for their top-tastic lunch deal...

Chicken Karahi for Anne, Chicken Jalfrezi for me...

The very nice waiter explained that, in Anne's, the onions were cubed while, in mine, they were Julienned...

The taste was very good indeed...

Home and Anne got herself tee'd up for the rugby, Scotland trouncing Wales in the first half and then, only just holding on in the second...

I enjoyed the remainder of today's playlist and, then, tracks from some Front Line reggae albums...


I forgot to do #CDFRiday yesterday so posted this up tonight...

The last 85 acquisitions...

A small tea...

And catching up on few things...

"Death in Paradise" (this Shazammed)...

"Father Brown"...

And two "Resident Alien"...

Luna was in her place...

Lights out just after midnight, with news that Keyboarder Paul will not make tomorrow's early session due to horrendous leg pains...

Commiserations and get well messages sent...

Highlight of the Day : Lunch with Anne...

Today's New Music:-

Today's Playlist:-

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