Woke up...
...with the idea of taking the pile of DVDs that have been lying around in the back room for years through to Glasgow to Missing Records to see if they'd do an exchange...
Anne was off out this afternoon for a meet up with some old work colleagues...
And so it was decided...
Writing this up and music listening, including this top LP from 2021...
Breakfast with Anne and then, at 10:30 or so, off I went...
...down the hill with a bagful of DVDs...
...soundtracked by the last 800 acquisitions, on shuffleplay on the Samsung...
Out and about...
...keeping tabs on my listening via screenshots on the phone, of which I took pictures with the iPhone...
This is how I waste my time...
But, to be fair, I was on a bus...
Arrived in my hometown at 11:52...
...and walked down, past the Pavilion...
...and the Conservetoire...
...to Missing...
Of the 20 or so DVDs in the bag, they took 12 and offered me £10 cash or £15 exchage - I took the latter...
Then started the trawl through their hundreds of CDs priced at £1 (3 for £2) and 50p (3 for £1)...
Many were rejected through their condition and or missing discs but, eventually, I had gathered together 21 £1 CDs and 3 50p CDs, which matched perfectly my £15 exchange budget...
And so, I walked out with 24 CDs...
A quick small lunch at a nearby Indian place...
Meanwhile, Anne was off to her day out, just before her parcel was delivered to the back door...
My listening, as I walked around again, continued to be recorded for posterity...
Those Haydn symphonies kept popping up but they do come form a very large box set with hundreds of tracks...
A walk to Love Record Shop near the station to find they don't take DVDs and so, back to Shelter on Union St and handed in there...
Then, back to the bus station and the 3:15 bus back to Edinburgh...
Out and About...
I no longer had a bagful of DVDs...
Someone on BlueSky enquired about the Eloy discs - they are MP3 CDs, with 20 LPs in total across them...
Listening continued to be good and entertaining...
Still out and about...
Finally, back home at 16:34 - so, a day trip of around 6 hours, half of which was spent either on the bus or in Missing...
Anne's parcel was safe...
And the ripping and listening could begin...
Amazingly, considering the proportion of the new music I had no idea about, every disc was top, music wise...
...and the weekend's first half had turned out fine...
Music from Guinea...
Improvised jazz...
A new to me Australian singer...
A great find - a Japanese import rarity of percussion pieces, including Cage and Varese...
Soulful jazz...
A rather good quality sound Hendrix t...
2CD set of top songs from the early 70s - a few of which I didn't already have, which is always good...
A Lightfoot best of - going beyond his more well known 70;s catalogue...
No place in jazz for vocals but it's Stacey Kent...
A Canadian band by whom I picked up a CD around 11 years ago, following their appearance on a Rheostatics tribute LP...
An Aretha Franklin sings the blues compilation...
A prog comp with a few renditions never before heard and a couple of groups likewise...
Sid Smith and others have always had good things to say about this jazz band - I was always put off by their name but, yes, they are indeed, good...
Toom a chance on this still sealed disc by UK emo band Moose Blood - it rocks...
Sometimes, a cover tells you the music is going to be good - and so it was re this Swedish band, also top notch...
Does what it says on the cover - rockin' rockabilly...
Drawn to this by the presence of Dan Lanois - some interesting things on here...
The aforementioned Eloy discs - turns out I have 19 of the 20 LPs already on the hard drives...
But just the one new to me LP of singles and rarities was worth it...
Also a chance taken on this excellent disc by a singer almost all of whose songs are under two minutes...
A vice classical find - a Dvorak string quartet ad Messiaen's Quartet for the end of time...
Some classy Beatles covers by US acts...
Not a hiuge fan of TWo Tone, never was, but this is just fine to add to the collection...
And finally, this vox, guitar and drums item also rocks like a mother...
A call from Anne to meet her at Wongs - post the small curry lunch, I partook of some spicy bean curd...
"Madam Blanc Mysteries" kid of entertained, along with more new stuff listenin...
A message from Keyboards Paul - he's out for tomorrow's final rehearsal for next Saturday and, he's out for next Saturday...
A quartet it is...
Lights out around 11...
Tomorrow, Anne will start her project to "redo" the main rooms of the downstairs of the house...
Highlight of the Day : A trip to my hometown...
Today's New Music
Today's Playlist
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