Late up today and...
...while writing this, listening back to tracks from yesterday's CDs...
...still amazed that (a) I didn't acquire anything already acquired and (b) every single CD contains top notch music...
Also found a host of Bobby Hutcherson LPs I didn't already have...
Downloaded but unlistened to as yet...
So, so much music unlistened to as yet...
Post breakfast, loaded up the car and left Anne working...
Today was the first day of her new project to "re-do" the living room and dining room - just over two years on from the commencement of her previous successful project, the new kitchen...
Hopefully this new one will turn out as well as the last...
Go the Exec Producer...
With Paul out of action, it was straight to Roslin...
On arriving and starting to set up, I realised I'd totally forgotten to bring the mixing desk...
A 40 minute return trip beckoned...
But, Johnny W had a small desk which he uses for his dance shows and we were soon up and running, albeit with a slightly different sound from usual...
We played through all three sets for the Dockers gig next Saturday, taking a good break between sets one and two...
...and a shorter break between two and three...
All went well...
Only reworks required on "Keep On Running" and "Virginia Plain" - other than that we went straight through...
We interpolated "Hey Jude" into the coda of "Rock'n'Roll" and played the whole thing as a closing 15 minute medley with "Mrs Robinson", which included the band intro...
Of course, next week, by the time we get to that point, it's very likely that no-one will be there...
Oh well...
On the way home (having forgotten to pack away my multi-socket - Mr Forgetful today), a stop at Sainsbury for a chocolate cake for Annie (ok, and me) and some sacks for the discarded wallpaper...
Dining room done...
This evening, Scotland relegated to League B of the European Nations League as Greece tanked us 3-0 at Hampden, despite a promising start...
To be fair, by being in the A League, we were definitely punching above our weight...
And, it's only a game...
Later, editing the three sets and getting the recordings out to the guys...
Of course, I fell asleep while listening back in the living room...
To bed at 11...
Highlight of the Day : Rehearsing...
Today's New Music
Today's Playlist
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