Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Mum getting home, football & reggae...

The Revolutionaries - Essential Dubs
Cloudland Blue Quartet - The Sin of the Spark (Single)
The Revolutionaries - Drum Sound - More Gems From the Channel One Dub Room 1974 -1980
I-Roy - Heart of a Lion
Culture - Harder Than the Rest
Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking
The Gladiators - Sweet So Till
The Abyssinians - Arise
I Jah Man - Jah Heavy Load

Up late today...

Updating this...

Scenes - including briefly reconfigured back room...

Revolutionaries continued to entertain...

Just after breakfast, as Anne exited for Zumba, advised by phone that my mum's release was imminent...

A further call confirmed she'd be going home tomorrow...

Edward Spark sent me a one minute excerpt of a piece he's working on and worrying over copyright issues...

I, of course, told him not to worry as no one would ever hear it anyway and then proceeded to turn it into a 5 minute ambient piece...


I was due to visit my mum at the hospital today - but, first a stop off at her house, to today stuff up etc etc...

Noted the gutters need some work...

Not too tidy but better than it was...

So, a big part of the day spent at the hospital, trying to convince her going home will be fine etc etc, then taking all her stuff back home pre tomorrow...

Back home and continued with a project started this morning - ensuring I have all the releases on the Virgin Front Line label from the late 70's...

Reggae-tastic - managed to nab all but 10 so around 3/4...

A general election is happening - time to get rid of the Tories and the much despised Scottish Nazi Party...

This evening, football in the pouring rain - enjoyable game, won 10-8...

Home to a Keralan Chicken Curry from Annie...

And the day rounded off with some "Monk"...

Eventful day!

Highlight of the Day : Mum about to be getting home, football & reggae...

Today's New Music:-

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