Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A day of exploration, kind of...

Cloudland Blue Quartet - Wrexham
Khan + Walker - Schleichfart
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Mercurial
Jackie Lee - White Horses
Jackie Lee - The Town I Live In: The EMI Years 1865-1967
Mdou Moctar - Funeral For Justice
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Remade Remodeled: Eno & Roxy Remakes
Various - Bowie Velvets Roxy Eno Mixes
Various - Milano Jukeboxes 1998-2023

Up at 5:30...

The garden was good...

To work on last night's recordings, creating the makings of a new LP - utilising, for now, field recordings from 14 March 2014 (from my 2016 LP, "Four Last Things") to fill a gap...

More scenes pre Anne being up...


...and out...

But, firstly, more pics of the property...

This of the painting taken blurrily yesterday...

...became this possible LP cover...

Anyway, out, for a walk around the grounds...

...where we met Tonto...

...and Lucky...

They looked a bit forlorn but we saw them out in the fields later...


More horses spotted...

These two on a special diet, with a plea on their gate not to feed them...

This one did indeed look normal, I just caught him mid chew...

Another possible album cover...

The grass was a little wet but we soldiered on...

Geese flew overhead...

...and the house was now quite far off in the distance...

We got a little lost...

Finally found our way through a tunnel...

...to a locked orchard...

...and then, quite possibly, on someone else's land...

Back to the tunnel...

...past some cows...

...to the front of the house...

...intentionally hidden in the woods...

Even more soaked...

...but, by now, we had circled round the estate and were back "home"...

...just as the geese flew over again...

Back into the house to get dried up...

I found these amongst the vinyl collection...

Some deft application of the hairdryer soon saw us back on track and we drove into Wrexham to the Ty Pawb, with it's art gallery...

Some excellent, almost painterly, photos taken by this team - the featured Mohamed Hassan is to the left on the back row,,,

Just outside, hung this re the current ownership of Wrexham FC...

Lunch time...

Bagel and salad for Anne...

Fish Finger butty and chips for your correspondent...

Alice Cooper was spotted...

A short walk to St Giles...

...and in to view its impressive ceilings and windows...

...and organ...

At the shop, a small selection of donated, still shrink-wrapped CDs was on sale at £2 each...

And, accordingly, I availed myself of these...

...and out...

To the car and a long drive to Holt Castle...

Unsure if it was worth it really but, I suppose it was...

Back home via the Nisa, which has an open-air launderette as part of its petrol station...

...and a supply of Wrexham lager...

Back home, a pathetic attempt was made at lighting the fire...

Not long after this, it was out...

We gave up and ventured back out for tea, via the old kitchen...

This is where they keep the bodies I think...

The cook's old books and notes are available to view...

...along with other artifacts discovered at the house...

Tonight, burgers were enjoyed at the Nag's Head...

...followed by a constitutional...

...before the drive home, the driveway now festooned with Highland Cattle...

Ooh, I say...

Home for "Midsomer Murders" - although we'd missed the first murder... 

...and the sun went down...

...on a good day...

Highlight of the Day : Exploring...

Today's New Music:-

1 comment:

impossible songs said...

Some really good pics, looks like a really nice spot and a house with lots of character.