Saturday, May 11, 2024

Ambienting, footie, Dr Who, Eurovision...

Cloudland Blue Quartet - Mercurial
Efterklang - Plant (Single)
Efterklang - Getting Reminders (Single)
Efterklang - Postal (Single)
Various - Eurovision Song Contest Malmo 2024
Various - Butchering the Beatles
Brian Eno - Here Come the Warm Jets

Good views this morning...

Slightly treated...

Up late...

To work, listening back to the ambient pieces, now known as "Mercurial"...

Birthday greetings to Keyboarder Paul and German chum Birgit, because, it was 11 May...

Overnight, my ROAM Bluetooth buds gave up the ghost - they lasted 100 weeks to the day, having cost just £3.50 from HMV...

A new set of Bluetooth buds ordered - £10 this time - ROAM, nowhere to be found anymore...

I had intended to record the podcast but got caught up in work on "Mercurial" - firstly, mastering all the tracks, only to find I didn't like what it did to the raw sound and, so, abandoning that...

But, then, on further playback, I detected very annoying elements of distortion on two of the tracks, which I spent an age trying to fix...

This was, of course, due to the treatments I'd made...

Managed to fix one and made a promising start on the other, before, at 2, heading, via Anne's mum's, to Tynecastle with Anne, Jane and Bob for today's game against Dundee, using Olly's ticket...

Nothing at stake really...

Unrequired water breaks added to stoppage time in each half - weird...

Hearts ran out easy 3-0 winners, all good goals - Vargas, Forrest and crowd fave and SPL player of the year Shankland, who got his 30th league goal of the season in the 90th minute...

Home via Sainsbury, acquiring chicken and coriander for Anne's tasty Keralan Curry, enjoyed with the last of the birthday beer and the first two of the new series of "Dr Who"...

...which I was looking forward to but which were, frankly, shockingly bad, even by recent standards - oh for the glory days of Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi...

Ana s for the insufferable "background" music blaring away for almost the entire time of each episode...

I will stick with it though...

Then, Eurovision...

I spotted Switzerland as my winner but then erred on the side of fan fave, Croatia - in the end, I got the top two the wrong way round...

UK's entry got null points from the fan vote but just made my Top 10 on the night...

Olly Alexander was not helped by the staging, which appeared to be five gay men touching each other up in a filthy toilet?


That's Eurovision...

Lights out at midnight...

Highlight of the Day : Toss up between ambienting, footie, Dr Who, Eurovision...

Today's New Music:-

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