Thursday, May 30, 2024

A festival appearance confirmation can lift the day...

David Rothenberg, Bernhard Wöstheinrich, Ali Sayah - Don't Hide From What You Seek
DIIV - Frog In Boiling Water
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Everything Ends
Warrington-Runcorn New Town Development - Your Community Hub
Eloy - Essential Eloy

A day of being ill...

This the view on awakening...

Up late -  a rare occurrence...

Luna entertained as I lounged around - watched a few episodes of the Russian robot thing as Anne was out...

Luna stole her seat...

Lunch was a kind of cheese and onion omelet on toast...

Can you tell Anne was out?

One nice thing happened though...

I received word that I have been selected to play at this festival in November and will be paid 67% more than I asked for...

...which is nice...

Tried some work around 10 but to no avail...

Downstairs, Luna retained her position...

...overnight too...

Lights out...

Highlight of the Day : Festival appearance confirmation...

Today's New Music:-

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