Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Making an impression, kind of...

Schweitzer - Schweitzer: Kammermusik
Jadin - Quatuors à cordes - Oeuvre 1re
Leipziger Streichquartett - Festgrefreßen (?!)
National Health - Of Queues And Cures
Cloudland Blue Quartet - We Drove (2019 Edward Spark Reconstruction)
Cloudland Blue Quartet - SXTY (Latest Mix)
Various Composers - Bachfest Leipzig 2010
Cloudland Blue Quartet - 2019 Live Set Orig Backing Tracks

First thing, Ali popped by re the boiler and we agreed a change to its position and a date for this to be done...

The low pitched rumble will be tolerated until then...

Ooh, get me with the new jacket...

This evening, moving the shelves back and partially reinstating the CD collection following the work...

That's made an impression, kind of...

Highlight of the Day : 

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