Big F Car - Souvenirs of Pop
Soundtracked again by the proposed sets for the end of the year covers gig...
A frosty morning...
To Fopp at lunchtime to suss out presents for the extended family - even down to the boyfriends of step-nieces...
I love Xmas...
In the evening back along Princes Street with chums Raymond, Tracey and Alan, during which walk we were entertained by a fireworks display to mark the switching on of Edinburgh's Xmas lights and the opening of the Xmas Fair...

We were joined at the Balmoral Hotel by further chums Gary and Colin to take part in a quiz run by a South African bank with which Crispycat has some investments...
Good views of the city...

A very entertaining evening during which your correspondent excelled in a solo fingers on the buzzers round, quashing all opponents with answers involving Smurfs, Cub Scouts, MI5 and Sigmund Freud...

Indeed our team won the event by just one point - just as well I knew that Paul McCartney is the only unbearded Beatle on the cover of Abbey Road...
A team effort all round though - for instance I would never have known Gavin Hastings once played American Football, Alex Ferguson managed St Mirren or have recognised the theme tune from "Crocodile Dundee"...
A reminder on the way out that Xmas is coming...

A long walk to Wester Coates carrying alchohol based winnings and other goodies was rewarded by both the number 26 and the airport bus whizzing past as I was around 30 seconds away from the bus stop...
Luckily, just as this happened, Annie, on her way back from seeing "Skyfall" in Dunfermline with chum Michelle, called to see if I needed a lift home...
Indeed I did...
We ended a late night with tivo'd "Fresh Meat" and "Big Bang Theory"
A good day...
Highlight of the day : Buzzing the buzzer...
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