J S Bach - Six Cello Suites
L'Archibudelli - Selection of Works
Spohr - String Quartets
Webster Young - For Lady
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Souvenir XIX
Various - The Jackie Album
Shawn Colvin - These Four Walls
Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
Various - Beyond 9 Months on Shuffleplay
Up at the usual time but pottering around the house and generally tidying...
To the airport around ten to pick up Pam's chum Julie, who is visiting till Friday...
Drove into the town centre, parked...

...and took a long walk in the morning autumn sunshine...
A call came in offering a possible "house gig" in the coming weeks - I await further details but it sounds good...
Through Princes St Gardens...

...and up the Mound to Cafe St Giles for a coffee and a croissant, before heading up to the Castle...

...then down the full length of the Royal Mile, to Holyrood Palace...

...and the Scottish Parliament...

Back up the Mile...

...and down Cockburn St, along George St to the West End and a sandwich based lunch near the car...
Down to the hospital for two for a meet with Pam's doctor - mainly to provide back up info for their files and also to have confirmed what's happening with her right now...
Both Oncoclogy and Neurology will dovetail under the Western (current chemo ends tomorrow till late Nov early Dec)...
In the meantime, steroids were increased on Monday which will, hopefully, reduce some of the swelling...
At three, in to see Pam and no big change since yesterday...
Sadly, much of what was said to her last night seemed to have been been forgotten...
She was so happy to see Julie though, that kind of made up for it...
By 4:30 with Pam tiring, we left and drove home and just had a sit about and a chat before I took Julie back for the evening visit, where she met up with Pam's chum Liz...
Back home leaving the ladies and managed to fix the recently purchased jukebox which seemed to have been frazzled during overnight listening last night - required a reformat and a reboot, wiping all content...
Started the task of refilling it...
Back to the hospital for 8 to bring Julie home - she reported Pam having probably had a sleep between visits, as she was slightly perkier than this afternoon...
Dinner was Anne's excellent Red Thai Chicken Curry - the ladies enjoyed a bottle of wine while I had a couple of beers...
Retired around 11:30...
Highlight of the Day : Pam getting to see her chum again...
Hi Dave, still following Pam's story (and the rest) and hoping for the very best. J & A
Cheers J&A - tough going but toughest of all for my wee sister...
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