Various - Last 9 Months on Shuffleplay
Various - 2011 Releases on Shuffleplay
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Souvenir XIX
Miles Davis - E.S.P.
Late yesterday afternoon I felt the first stirrings of the lurgi...
Today they arrived in full force...
Out at Loanhead, Pam had a good, busy day...
Went to the doc's on her own and got the flu jab (as recommended by the doc on Monday)...
Had visit from mum's neighbours, a visit from the District Nurse, who's organising a special chair to allow Pam to keep her feet up to counter the swelling she's got right now (exercise too will help this)...
A visit from our friends Lex and Moira from Glasgow, including lunch at a nearby restaurant and a good natter all afternoon...
And calls this evening from another of my mum and Pam's friends and from Debs in Hemel...
No sickness so far re the chemo - just feeling a bit tired which is only to be expected - off to bed at 9:30...
Tomorrow night she's out with old schoolchums Liz and Janice - there's no stopping her!
For me, it was the now usual route home after an uneventful day...

I will play here next Wednesday...

The work on the tram (just the one remember) continues to hold up edinburgh and piss money down the drain...
It's so bad, they are actually repairing the tracks before they've ever been used...

Did not rehearse this evening though due to above lurgi - listened to the rehearsal from the other day instead...
Watched "Fresh Meat"...
Enjoyed some late night Miles Davis with Meg the Black Cat...

Off to bed coughing and sniffing, much to Annie's chagrin...
Miles on the cans...
Highlight of the Day : Pam seems to be doing ok on the treatment...
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