Brian Eno - Drums Between the Bells
The Tubes - White Punks on Dope
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Souvenir XIX
Up just after seven and preparing for today's visit to The Beatson with Pam...
Sister Sheila arrived just before nine as we were finishing breakfast and off we set, leaving Anne behind to take Meg the Black Cat to the vet later this morning and help sister-in-law Jane with wallpapering in the afternoon...
At first the weather was ok...

Then, it started raining and it rained all day without a break...

We arrived in good time...

...admiring the bust of Mr Beatson...

Our appointment was for 11:15 but we were finally seen at 12:45 following Pam's Professor being called away to Dundee and someone fainting in one of the consultation rooms...
We were seen by Prof Chalmers' colleague Dr James along with Nurse Practitioner Mairi...
Unfortunately, it seems there is only a very small chance that Pam’s recent problems have not been caused by the return of the tumour..
It may be that it’s what’s called “Pseudo Progression”, whereby the treatment itself causes tumour like symptoms - but that usually happens a lot closer to the time of the radiotherapy and initial chemo treatment...
So the choice they faced was
(a) leave things be and see if Pam gets better but in the knowledge that if it turns out to be the tumour then, by the time that is known for sure, it would be too late to do anything about it or
(b) assume right now that it's the tumour and treat it accordingly...
So it has to be (b) really - and new chemo starts today...
Pam will tonight take a large dose of one chemo drug (Lomustine) and, from tomorrow for ten days, a daily dose of a second drug (Procarbazine)...
Anti nausea drugs will be taken for both of these...
Meanwhile some of Pam's other medication (anti-seizure, steroids) will be reduced shortly, which will be a good thing...
Her next 11 day chemo cycle is due to start in seven weeks...
So now we need to see how Pam reacts to this new chemo – it could make her feel quite weak and/or sick or it may be ok or it may be somewhere in between but we must hope that whatever the side effects, it is successful in holding back the tumour...
Tough times indeed but Pam is determined to keep fighting and I know she will continue to enjoy everyone’s support...
At 2:45 we finally had time to get some lunch, post bloods being taken and pre my collecting all her drugs from the pharmacy...

Then it was back into the rain for the drive home...

Meanwhile Meg the Black (and white) Cat had had her wee patch shaved once again for her own bloods to be taken re her ongoing thyroid scenario...

The wee pie seems to be doing ok despite all this...
With Anne out at Zumba with Lynn, I sent today's news round all Pam's chums and colleagues and called my mum to ensure all was well with tonight's medication...
Some good news today too though, in that Pam's chum Michelle finally gave birth to her baby, a son, after being in labour since Saturday...
Later on, made a quick recording of the proposed 11 song set for next Wednesday - this may well be deemed ok enough to become the nineteenth in the series of CBQ Souvenirs...
A reasonable day but a big fight ahead...
Highlight of the Day : Pam's ongoing bravery...
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