Various - Last 9 Months on Shuffleplay
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Souvenir XIX
Sumner McKane - Hunting for Salamanders
The Moody Blues - A Quaestion of Balance
Editors - The Back Room
Roy Ayers - Stoned Soul Picnic
Almost got up at 4:06 until I saw the time...
Sleepless due to the lurgi...
Up at 6:20 and mucking about with the jukeboxes...
At 9 to Tesco for further medication, drugs and cough sweets - and a new DVD player for Anne's mum, who has suddenly expressed an interest in listening to music and watching DVDs...
With this in mind, yesterday at HMV, I snapped up a 4CD box of Matt Monro's EMI recordings for her - Matt is her fave rave...
Back home and created a cover for the next CBQ Souvenir CD for Wednesday night...
A rehearsal of the nine song set, not singing with too much gusto re the ongoing lurgi attack...
Under control though, thanks to drugs and cough sweets, for our trip to mum's to pick up Pam...
We arrived at around 12:30 and had lunch and got her sorted out, eventually leaving Loanhead after 3 pm...
Pam advises (as best she can - her speech is fragmented to say the least) that she is at her lowest ebb right now...
On Monday, Dr James did advise that the chemo can make you as much as 40% worse than you were before so, if she was even at 80%, she might now be down to below 50% (60% x 80% = 48%) if you follow...
Back to ours and we just relaxed in the living room, listening to music and watching the footie scores come in...

A win for Queens - huzzah...
Pam's speech may be away to buggery right now but her hair's coming back...

As the night drew in and the ladies prepared themselves for "Strictly", your correspondent was sent out into the dark for curry-based sustenance...
This was enjoyed by all, and watched over by Meg the Black Cat...

I left the ladies to it and brought this up to date pre "Merlin" and, no doubt, some footie highlights which Pam will sleep through...
It's tough seeing Pam like this but she still has a smile on her lips...
Once again I must opine she is amazing...
PS Later on, Pam was chuffed that Meg the Black Cat chose to snooze on her lap...

Little did we know what dreadful events were just a couple of hours away...
Highlight of the Day : Pam still smiling...
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