UK - In the Dead of Night
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Songs 1997-2009
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Soundscapes - 1996-2005
Great Lake Swimmers - Minds and Bodies
Philip Glass - Notes on a Scandal
Waters - Symphonic Pink Floyd
Haydn - The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross
Nephew Alastair and his sidekick came round this evening to replace our kitchen tap - and a very fine job they made of it too...
In less than 45 minutes it was done and dusted and was looking good...
Other than that, the CD listing continued apace - I reckon I have around 1,400 - 1,500 left to do...
At present I am listing classical discs and have taken the decision, for single composer discs, to date according to the year of birth of the composer...
Earliest disc so far is from the 11th Century - over a thousand years old - sobering thought...
On telly we were entertained by a very fine episode of "CSI" and the excellent and quite hilarious "Newswipe" on BBC4 from Charlie Brooker...
Off to bed with Joseph Haydn's ultra slow String Quartet "The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross"...
Highlight of the Day : My nephew is a plumber...
PS 30 Years today since The Sweet Thrill of Industry...
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