Various – Jukebox Shuffleplay
Natalie Merchant – Motherland/Ophelia/Tigerlily
John Coltrane – Dakar
Heligoland – Pitcher Flask & Foxy Moxie
Bernd Satzinger’s Wurschtsemmerl – Same
James Jamieson – Precious
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Ersatzreal
Various – Jazz & Classical Jukebox Shuffleplay
James Jamieson called me out of the blue today and, as Anne was off to Dunfermline tonight on a birthday night out with colleagues, I invited JJ round to Crispycat Towers...
He’d managed to record just one song since we last spoke but brought round a disc of his proposed set for his gig on Wednesday night...
We proceeded to trawl through my hard drive and listened back to the demos he’s recorded since putting out his album “Precious” at the tail end of 2004 and, including the 2008 version of his song “Yesterday Man”, we located eight bonus tracks to add to the disc and spent some time mastering the new version of “Precious”...
Then we listened to it...
And off he went into the night with his “new” CD in his hand and I felt inspired...
I dug out my own last CD, “Ersatzreal” and got my guitar from upstairs and proceeded to play for the first time since last September...
Anne called and asked that I go over to Dunfermline around 11pm to bring her home – which left me enough time to put together the 30 minute backing track CD for my own gig on 5 March – 8 songs from “Ersatzreal” – then into the car where I attempted to sing along as I drove – I remembered most of the words...
Anne was in a nice wee bar Café Continental with the last stragglers from the night out, chums Chris-with-a-Ch and Ferret (don’t ask)...
...where I joined them for some Diet Coke followed by Fresh Orange and Lemonade....
Around an hour or so later we were finally ready to leave but not before some strange looking woman of indeterminate age had hit on me with the delectable chat up line “I’m off to the bathroom, do you want to talk business”....
We took Chris home leaving Ferret to party on (it’s his birthday on Sunday hence the night out) and were back at Crispycat Towers around 1 am...
Highlight of the Day : Playing my guitar again at last..
where and when is Mr Frain's gig on Wednesday?
might pop along...
..and there was me thinking if I cleverly linked to the news page on Crispycat people might click on it for details - oh well - here's what it says there:-
CBQ and James Jamieson return to the stage...
"James Jamieson will play a Secret CDs showcase on Wed 6 February at Secret CD III from 7.30 p.m. in The Phoenix cellar bar, 48a Broughton Street, Edinburgh EH1 3SA. Meanwhile Cloudland Blue Quartet will showcase songs from "Ersatzreal" at the same venue for Secret CD IV on 5 March..."
Hope to see you Jimbo - £2 to get in...4 acts
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