Wizzard – Wizzard’s Brew
The Move – Shazam
The Move – Looking On
Nicky Hind – Hindsight
Miles Davis – Box Set 1949-1956
Various – Now and Then OST
Various – Invictus Club Classics Vol 2
Roy Wood - Mustard
Up around 6:30 and needed to get all the dishes from the last few days washed up but, prior to that, I needed to fix the CD shelf in the living room as it appeared to be wilting a little...
I also took the opportunity to rearrange the books on the shelf below, reversing their order (small to tall left to right instead of right to left) so that more light gets into the room from the lamp which sits alongside them...
Then did the dishes to the rocking sounds of The Move. Been listening to a lot of Roy Wood over the weekend and am really getting back into the first Wizzard LP, “Wizzard’s Brew”....
Rehearsed the live set again - this time without any music or lyrics - there appear to be only two of the eight songs which I don't yet know by heart...
Out to Loanhead for lunch at my mum’s, where we were joined by sisters Pam (up for a flying visit from London) and Sheila – today was the latter’s 52nd birthday - it's also our friend Yvonne Sonnenschein's 40th today and yesterday was niece Kitty's 4th birthday...
Sheila’s sons Andy and Alastair joined us too...

Their Auntie Pam entertained us as usual. Highlight was her strange tales of planebound gastro-enteritus. Very funny indeed (although probably not at the time)...
Then back to Edinburgh for niece Kitty’s party at her mum and dad’s house – here she is with her proud dad, trying to stop us from leaving at the end of the night....
As ever, sister-in-law Jane put on a huge spread for the extended families comprising two very tasty home made curries followed by a choice of apple pie or vanilla cheesecake...
The wine flowed copiously, however your correspondent was in driver mode...
Back home, while Anne watched telly, I copied the Miles Box Set and a few other recent acquisitions to the relevant jukeboxes...
Felt a bit under the weather today, an annoyingly sore throat and gyp from the shoulder, probably traceable back to the football fall the other night...
It’s annoying this getting old lark...
Highlight of the Day : Pam’s stories and Jane’s cooking
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