I'm spending my Newcastle winnings and treating everyone...
Here's the motley crew...you can see which one of this quartet doesn’t carry the same genes as me!!

The meal was very tasty, although Andy was perplexed by the fact that, between finishing the main course and ordering desserts, we sat around for 45 minutes chatting…
He’s too used to eating in McDonalds I suppose…
Afterwards Anne and I took my mum home and sat about chatting in her house for another hour before heading home…an enjoyable evening…
Earlier in the day I paid a visit to my lovely podiatrist re the ongoing toe saga and it looks like the toe may be on the mend...which is great news because now I won't have to have half of it removed in a painful operation type scenario involving local anaesthetic, tourniquets, cutting, bleeding and burning etc etc..
Also, Helen the podiatrist is getting married in a year - so it's good news all round...
Rather fittingly for the last day of a Scottish Summer, although the day started off overcast yet balmy, by mid afternoon it had started to rain, so no sunny pics today just this scary treated collage of my face walking down from the bus stop - well, not my face walking down, but my face while I walked down from the bus stop...

The beast cometh...
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