At all.
Tonight Anne and I attended a gig by our chums Impossible Songs. We met with Jamie Frain (James Jamieson) beforehand and, all in all, I ended up drinking five pints of Stella/Budweiser Budvar....
I start to gibber incoherently after one pint so you can imagine what I was like by the end of the night....
Tonight, Impossible Songs were the best I’ve seen them. The acoustics of the venue suited their sound perfectly. I tried to tell them they reminded me of Young Marble Giants but no one in the assembled company seemed to know who they were.
You can read about them here I have their album "Colossal Youth" on vinyl.
Norman Lamont was also at the gig tonight and kindly gave Anne and I a lift home – he let us hear his new EP – very tuneful and well produced – Norman puts a lot of work into his recordings.
Partly due to being so drunk, I agreed to do a gig at the same venue (The Roxy Art House) this Thursday along with Impossible Songs, Norman and Jamie. I was supposed to be reviewing Out of the Bedroom that night so will have to postpone this...
Jamie and I agreed that we will share a slot in a song-about fashion so now we need to get together this week to rehearse – we haven’t played together since last September and I haven’t played his songs since last July...
So do come along – here’s a map of how to get there
Where is The Roxy Art House? Why here it to enlarge...

Prior to the gig tonight I’d bought a 10CD box set of Dvorak’s Complete String Quartets – my initial delve into them finds them to be very tuneful and I’m looking forward to listening to them all.
At the gig, apart from far too many drinks, I also bought two Impossible Songs CDs – turns out I recorded a few of the songs on one of them. At the time of writing I’m listening to “(WIP) Sneakin’ Out at the Front” – it definitely sounds like Young Marble Giants.... This is a definite advantage as far as I’m concerned.
At lunchtime today I stumbled a cross a rally at the Mound in Edinburgh. It was against the Mullahs in Iran.. I took some photos but can't show you as I must have inadvertently wiped the camera when I became inebriated later on...
I really should not drink.
At all.
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