Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Up the column, getting lost, Tomsky in a storm...

Various - Cloudland Blue Eclectic Selection 2024 Vol 21
Alice Cooper - Love It To Death
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Gould

Up and ready for what might well prove to be another hot day...

Out and, no need for a tram now, re getting to Schokochino for breakfast...

Then, to the Hauptbahnhof, a trip to Potsdam in prospect...

But train times conspired to cancel our plans...

So, instead, a walk...

This, our new target..

Through the Tiegarten...

...past the President's palace... the Siegessäule (Victory Column) - which you can read all about here...

Inside, there's a fascinating exhibition regarding the column and, indeed, the history of monuments in general...

This is "The Love Parade" in 1990 (named, of course, after me and Count Brodski's 1984 duo)...

A possible future "Disquietmusik" cover was made...

And then, off we went, up the steps...

Once at the top, I very probably took too many pictures but, you know - here they are...

...and here is "Victory", at the top...

From the top, looking down...

And back down the stairs, looking up...


...and on, through the Tiergarten again... a great wee beer garden which Anne and Lynn discovered last year...

Peaceful drinks by the lake...

Nose coming along nicely...



...watching the boats...

More walking, back through the gardens...

...including the naked men part...

Back to the column...

...from where we took a bus to Kurfurstendamm...

...and then...

...the wrong train, taking us to Leopoldsplatz...

...which was "interesting"...

Another couple of bus rides got us back to Friedrichstrasse...

...and back to Prenzlauer Berg...

..and down Kastanienallee...

...where soft drinks were enjoyed for a change...

...followed by felafels...

We decided to stay out and take a couple of trams along to Tomsky...

Lightning was lighting up the sky (I did not capture it though)...

Soon, we were there...

No seats outside, so, in we went...

Uh oh...

We were ok... the rain came down outside...

Chanced upon a couple of postcards...

On investigating, we found that, tomorrow, from 4, we could gain access to the Modern Art Gallery for free - as it was the first Thursday of the month - for exhibitions on Andy Warhol and Gerhard Richter...

Result - and the proposed trip to Potsdam was pushed back yet again...

Post the thunderstorm, trams back home...

A good day, despite cancelled plans and wrong trains and busses...

Highlight of the Day : The beer garden...

Today's New Music:-

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