Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Back to Berlin (again)...

Various - Cloudland Blue Eclectic Selection 2024 Vol 20
Various - Fill Your Head With Rock

Up late today...

The views were complimented...

...by the swifts, nesting on the neighbour's house...

...to which this pigeon seemed oblivious...

The garden looked great first thing...


...and Jorg's work station - this is where it all happens...

All too soon, down to the station...

Looking both ways...

The beast...

The beast and Manu...

Sad farewells said and off we went...

Back to Wilhelmshöhe...

A wait for the train was made more acceptable by coffee and cake...

...and soon, the train arrived...

...to take us back across Germany to Berlin...

We passed throiugh the home of Volswagon - where Jorg's dad, Oskar, worked all his life, in Kassel...

And then, we were "home" taking the tram back along to Prenzlauer Berg...

...past the erstwhile Berlin Wall...

...to the Russian Hotel where we stayed in 2018 on my last visit and where Anne stayed last year with Lynn...

Out and round to the Pratergarten for beers...

Dark beer for me this time...

...and listening in to the chat around us...

Then, to Morgenrot - we are creatures of habit...

I wonder how much they pay to have this Trabant permanently parked outside...

Checked out the nose...

A bit bumpy...

...but still improving a little day by day...

A further walk along Kastanien Allee to the Sri Lankan place for Biryanis...

...followed by a constitutional through the nearby Volkspark am Weinberg...

...and back to the hotel for some down time...

Berlin feels a little like home...

Highlight of the Day : Arriving in Berlin (again)...

Today's New Music:-

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