Sunday, August 18, 2024

This is how etc...

Capital Models - 2024-04-14 Leith Dockers Club (Mastered)
Robert Fripp - Let the Power Fall

Up and Podcast uploaded...

Capital Models live album work - hours wasted, as I accidentally saved the tracks as MP3s and then didn't keep the mix...


Took Anne to bottom of road...

Me out to my mum's via detour...


Determining shopping needs...

Showing pics from 1st few days...

Carers arrived...

Did her shopping...

Drove home for a "Mrs Maisel"...

Call with Sheila re mum etc...

More "Maisel"...

A Hot Pasta tea...

Fang returned...

"Mallorca Files" x 2...

Scrolling w "MOTD 2"...


Highlight of the Day : The point before I realised I botched the work I was working on...

Today's New Music:-

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