Tuesday, June 04, 2024

A sweet suite in the making, plus, cake...

Focus - vol huis (Live in New York 1973)
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Live Suite 2024/25
Loscil - Umbel

Cat and foot...

Forgot to say that, yesterday, I confirmed that Capital Moels would accept the invitation to play again at Leith Dockers, the gig to be Saturday 25 July...

With this in mind, I chose a few new songs for us to play to try and get the attendees to do The Slosh - "Beautiful Sunday", "Sugar Sugar", Amarillo" - I'm sure we'll "enjoy" playing those instead of Brain Eno and Lou Reed...

The girl from the club also advised the crowd, for some unknown to her reason, loves "Human" by The Killers - I ill enjoy playing that again...

Anyway this pic of my dusty (now spruced up) guitar reminded me...

To today...

A wee handful of biscuits for the visitor...

Noted too that the laptop "reliability" is at an all time high...

That could, of course, change at any minute...

Started work this morning on the "Live Suite2024/25" - choosing elements to be included...

Then, out with Anne for coffee and cake at the Gallery of Modern Art...

Enjoyed in the slightly blustery garden...

...before having a wee look around...

The main exhibition is by Korean artist Do Ho...

With the exception of just a couple of things...

...it was a "Don't Ho" from us...

Noted this plaque for the first time on exiting...

...re this many times observed and very much liked work...

Home and more work on the suite, creating a first mix...

Anne, meanwhile, made a v tasty chili...

...enjoyed with a "Monk"...

Later, more work...

...with the first rehearsals being undertaken - a good five months before the performance...

The beast was about its business...

Late on, a new Loscil LP discovered and enjoyed...

Much better than my rubbish...

Highlight of the Day : Creating...

Today's New Music:-

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