Friday, June 23, 2023

Let the party begin...

Various - Cloudland Blue Eclectic Selections 2023
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Two Two One Zero

Up and packed...

Ready to roll...

Out, thinking breakfast from Carrefour...

But it was shut, so, a wee walk around...

...before heading back to the hotel for their 10 Euro Buffet...

The view from the office this morning...

Checked out and off I went...

More walking about...

Eventually I stumbled across the gallery district (all of which was still closed)...

I reckoned I might visit on Monday but took in the good views of these top buildings...

Back onto the main street, this in a shop window...

To the station at the top of the Rambla...

An underground to Passeig de Gràcia on the advice of the info man - better to board there as guaranteed a seat...

A short wait for the train that would take me to Sitges...

Around a 40 minute trip...

The lights were out for the first couple of stops and, as advised by info man, an empty train...

Almost there...

...and arrived around 12:10 under the baking sun...

I made my way to my accommodation...

...and was allowed to leave my bag there... I walked down to the front to meet up...

...with chums Yuill and Bernie for a quick shandy...

 ...before heading back, past the hotel where further chum Gary would be arriving later today...

...and booking in to my own "digs"...

The view from the office this afternoon...

Prepped myself for the sun...

...and out - Yuill and Bernie had moved along the front...

...and kept moving as I tried to catch up with them...

As I passed the church, according to their location on my phone they were well off in the distance on the other side of this bay...

I noted Kraftwerk were coming...

Still a good distance to go in the blazing heat...

Eventually I made it to the other end of the bay...

...and found them up the hill...

...enjoying drinks and tapas...

...and I joined in...

Cocktails were also enjoyed...

For some reason, we then walked even further away from the main town...

..and found another nice wee bar for more drinks...

Then I discovered the reason for their far off wandering - their hotel was just a few yards from where we now were...

And so I did the long walk back on my own...

Did I say it was roasting?

I passed where we'd enjoyed the cocktails...

..and on...

...and on...

Finally, home and changed for the evening - Gary and his chum Dave had now arrived in the town...

Out once more... Parrots bar...

 ...and then, over the road to a lovely outdoor restaurant for dinner...

 ...and yet more drinks, of course...

Superb onion soup...

Prawn cocktail for Bernardo...

I don't recall what this was, possibly another soup...

Then the mains...

My own comprised various tender meats, with a baked potato...

The view from the office this evening...

Did I say there was drink?

Into the street...

..and back to Parrots...

...and good chat with some guys from Denmark as we high fived all and sundry going passed -  a cheer for everyone who accepted...

Post drinks, we made our way to Queenz Bar for some gay disco dancing...

I lost the rest of our party when I went to the empty chill out room so, having no replies to my messages to them, I just headed home...

Meanwhile, later, Yuill and Bernie faced the long walk back to their hotel...

Worse for wear scenario, undoubtedly...

Highlight of the Day : Meeting up with the chums...

Today's New Music (Yesterday's FNAC purchases):-

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