Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Catching up with the turntable and a card need not be taken at face value......

Alice Cooper - Toronto Rock'n'Roll Revival 1969 Vol IV
Paul Chambers/John Coltrane - High Step
Queen - Queen
John Coltrane - Interstellar Space
Françoise Hardy - Voila
Yes - Tormato
Geisterfahrer - Fest Der Vielen Sinne
Udo Lindenberg - Intensivstationen
Trevor Rabin - Wolf
Minus the Bear - Menos el Oso
Minus the Bear - Planet of Ice

Slept in today...

...before uploading the podcast which should have been up last weekend, not that anyone was waiting on it of course...

In other news, people have been listening to and buying my music on the Bandcamp - which is nice...

Today, a stand off between a magpie and a couple of squirrels...

Meanwhile my WFH was soundtracked by my catching up on my random LPs of the day, not played, of course, while we were away - these the choices from, actually, five days before we left for Germany, up until the second day of the trip... 

I recall being excited to get this on its release back in 1983...

It turned out later that the two studio tracks included aren't even by the band...

Oh well...

This is tasty and a relatively recent (probably in the last five years) vinyl acquisition...

I've only recently been able to reconstitute it digitally...

Then, one of FH's better 1960's LPs...

...with, of course, pics of other releases on the sleeve - LPs came out so close together in those days...

Yes's "Tormato" from 1978...

...which I didn't have until German chum Jorg Sonnenschein gifted me his copy one night in December 1980, when the Exec Producer and I popped round to his house...

 He also gave me a copy of Rush's "Permanent Waves" on that evening -  a good haul...

Next, an LP I bought whilst still living in Jorg's village in 1981...

Neue Deutsche Welle indeed...

And, finally, a double live LP from Udo Lindenberg - I'd forgotten about this rather large poster, secreted inside...

No, wait, one more for the road. Trevor Rabin (later of Yes)'s sophomore album, "Wolf", which was found to rock...

For some reason, I have two copies...

Elsewhere, chum Gina's friend had gotten hold of some Tarot cards and Gina had drawn Death and was now worried about that...

I showed her my excellent set - artwork wise - and explained that the card usually signifies change or a new beginning rather than, literally, impending death...

More cards were also demonstrated - purely for the artwork - I have no interest in the so-called supernatural...

Fergus Hall (for it is he)'s artwork first came to my attention when used in the cover of King Crimson's "Young Person's Guide" double compilation back in the 70s...

So there you go...

Also today, a new discovery via the Twitter, US band, Minus the Bear...

Lights out...

Highlight of the Day : Playing some records...

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