Monday, August 05, 2013

Not much sky in those....

Various composres - Music of Our Time
Various composers - Music of Our Century
Xenakis - Pleiades
Agricola - Ein Geheimes Labyrinth
Huelgas Ensemble - Musica Mystica II

This wee beastie spotted on the back path this morning by a giant...

...who strode down the hill under overcast skies...

..and whose camera was taken control of by an unknown party - this being the best of too many pictures taken in my absence...

In the evening, after the joyful arrival of four CDs in the mail, including the recently ordered trio of Huelgas Ensemble titles, it was back down the hill to Wong's for tea with Kitty...


Mary and Anne...

Kitty also took over my camera today...

I enjoyed a beer or two too - the occasion being a treat for Kitty given that Ollie and Bobby are enjoying a holiday on Orkney...

I showed Kitty how the Macro lens worked...

Then, she had a go...

Walking back up the hill, the skies were good...

For some paranoid reason known only to him, a man came out of his house and followed us up the road demanding to know why I'd been taking pictures of his car...

On advising him I had been snapping the attractive sky and indeed showing him the snaps above, he responded - "not much sky in those"...

My witty repost was, "are you blind?"...

Back home, "Law & Order UK" entertained, as did some listening to 13th and 14th Century music...

highlight of the day : Out for Chinese food...


Anonymous said...

A bit scary that, was it not. I guess you're big enough to handle it. Moira

Cloudland Blue Quartet said...

Mr Paranoid was bigger than me but, even with my hopeless knees, I'm pretty sure I could have easily outrun him...

When in doubt, run away...