Alban Berg Quartett - The Teldec Recordings
Birtwhistle - Earth Dances/Panic
Christina Astrand - Ligeti & Norgard Violin Concertos
Michelle Makarski - Elogio Per Un'Ombra
Tippett - String Quartets 1 - 4
To the dentist first thing...
Blue skies - more blue than they look here...
The beast etc...
Better view of the sky on Easter Road to where I must return in September for some work...
Up into town...
St Giles behind the Scott Monument...
Did a good deal of walking today...
A visit to a wee festival record fair resulted in more weird classical stuff ("Panic" by Birtwhistle almost caused a riot at the last night of the proms in 1995) entering the collection (see playlist) at a saving versus new from Amazon (which I would never have done of course) of around £60 over the four titles...
This is how I kind of justify matters in my head...
Or the fact that the four titles together cost less than a couple of rounds of drinks for three or four people these days...
Of course on returning home, I found I already have a version of the Tippett quartets but it's different so, not to worry...
Seventeen years between the two recordings - at the time of the one bought today, his fifth (included in the set I already had) was merely a work in progress...
On telly, the last of the up till now probably unmentioned but very good "Count Arthur Strong" plus "New Girl" and "New Tricks"...
Lights out...
Highlight of the day : New classical stuff...
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