“The Happy Song” from “Erstazreal” (2007)
Jame/David/Keith – 26 Covers
Sombre Reptiles – Beatles Covers
Various – Zunior Compilation Vol 6.18
Paul Buchanan - Mid Air
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Starlightnight
More listening back to the covers today...
Not bad...
Jamie, like me, thinks it sounds better than we thought whilst playing...
Work still to be done though...
I left the CD out for the Exec Producer to express her opinions...
Mostly, she was impressed, funnily enough liking a couple of the “first-time-run-through” songs knocked together on Wednesday night...
She was forthright in her comments on some of the others...
This is the right of an Exec Producer – however she does not executively produce Jamie or Keith and kept her criticisms to things she thought were being done by your correspondent...
Out into the sunshine...

The Beast was about its business...

...on its way down Crispycat Hill for the day...

Another bird, but where is it?

On top of this - this is what birds do...

An uneventful middle section of the day - I have not shopped all week and my allowance remains intact for the most part...
On the way home, the cathedral drew me in as usual...

And cyclists disobeyed the rules as usual...

...while trees were good...

...as were rooftops...

..and church towers...

Back to the top of Crispycat Hill...

...and an early evening spent pulling together all the music and lyric sheets to allow for solo rehearsals...

However, the returned from Zumba Exec Producer executively produced a very tasty Stroganoff which landed on the plate just as I was about to start...
Postponement ensued...

...and Friday evening comedy sucked me in thereafter with "Would I Lie to You?", "Have I Got News For You", "Not Going Out" and "Twenty Twelve" - which, in laugh per minute terms, improved as the evening progressed...
Thereafter, it was too late to start banging out tunes on the guitar and bass, so to the computer and some downloading and listening to new Canadian music, including a track from the new Great Lake Swimmers album and an impressive track from a band called Octoberman...
The 3CD set of live Rheostatics is out now too and I see a new Paul Buchanan album is out next month - yaroo!
Ended the day by finding the masters for the current "Track of the Day " album, "Erstazreal" and putting together remixes of a couple of my favourite songs from it, "The Angels' Kiss" and "Lights Out" - both of which, in my humble opinion, knocked into a cocked hat, the covers I've been working on lately...
An off to bed listening to the forthcoming CBQ album confirmed that I'm much more interested in creating my own music than knocking out popular three chorders to a roomful of very probably inebriated non-listeners but sing-along-ers - although I will no doubt enjoy the night and must say I have been really enjoying playing with Jamie and Keith again...
I'd just like to do something more substantial...
But the investment of time for all involved, or those whom I'd like to be involved (including myself), would more than likely prove to be far too great for the possible returns...
And so, lights out indeed...
Highlight of the Day : New Paul Buchanan on its way...
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