"Starting to Worry” from “Erstazreal” (2007)
Cloudland Blue Quartet – Starlightnight
Various Composers – Gramophone Records of the Year 1978-2008
Glenn Gould – Glenn Gould Plays Beethoven
UK - The Best of UK (CD-R)
Oh my lord my life is soooo exciting...
Erm, not really...
The fifth of five recent purchases from Amazon arrived today and soundtracked much mucking around on the PC while Anne visited chum Lynn to wish her a Happy Birthday...
Tis this double CD...

...containing a track each from each of the Gramophone magazine's Records of the Year from 1978 to 2008...
A movement of a Bartok String Quartet by the Emersons led me to purchase their award winning set, again 2nd hand from Amazon, for just over five squids...
I already have a 3CD set of Mr B's top stringathon - by the Alban Berg Quartett...
And that was about it..
Except my new chair from Ikea, installed just a couple of months ago, is gebrochen - the wee wheels keep falling out due to their fitments having split...
Annoying in the extreme...
No doubt Ikea will tell me I'm too fat to use their chair...
We'll see...
Other than that, new TV show "Two Broke Girls" joined the watch list at Crispycat Towers...
Off to bed with UK in the headphones tonight...
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