Various - Natural Progressions
Schubert - String Quartets 12-15
Kraftwerk - The Mix
Roxy Music - Country Life
Various - Milano Jukeboxes
Up even later today with Pam up before me and doing breakfast and the dishes..
Seems she's improving everyday and her speech seems to be improving too...
A visit from chum Debs and some good chat...
Out to Tesco and Pam was once again in charge, with your correspondent mainly just pushing the trolley...

A further quick visit from Debs with a possible new easier to use phone for Pam...
Some TV watched via the Tivo box...
Around three, we were off out for our now daily walk...
Not very photogenic...

Today, we drove over to picturesque Piccot's End...

Saw some ducks...

..and took a public byway...

...with lovely countryside views...

Pam did well, she's really coming on...

Amazing considering how she was just a week ago or even less...

More sky and clouds...

...and back to the car...

...and to the old town...

...and back into Gadebridge Park, where we came across the wee cat we helped across the road the other day...

He was drawn to the camera...

..and snuggled up to both of us...

Unlike me, a photogenic young chap indeed...

Onwards through the park...

...past the Bowling Green...

...and the walled garden... the car and home...

A nice visit from Pam's chum Lesley was followed by some cooking...
Utilising some of Pam's frozen from a few weeks ago Red Thai Chicken Curry, based on the Exec Producer's recipe...

Later on the new series (sadly the last) of Spooks was watched, while Pam recorded "Downton Abbey"...
A good day all told...
Highlight of the Day : The return of "Spooks"...
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