Bob Dylan - Bringing It All Back Home
Brian Eno - Before and After Science
Beethoven - Adagios
Various - Top 100 Artists
George Benson - Best Of
Various Composers - Voices of Italy
Before going for breakfast shopping, I finished off the Bob Dylan autobiography I'd started yesterday...

An interesting read...
Out and down to the town, past one of the cats... the bakers...

...and the fruit shop...

Home to find the cactus opposite has flowered overnight...

Breakfast enjoyed...

The view as good as ever...

Out into the street - the wee ginger cat was out and about...

Up the hill to the cemetery...

...which afforded excellent views...

...and was full of reasonably ostentatiously remembered dead chums...

...including a Russian Prince...

Around the turn of the century (1899/1900 that is), Menton was popular with the aristocracy re a good place to spend the Winter...
Many of them seem to have died here...

More views were afforded...

...before we wended our way down through the old town...

...past the church of St Michel... a bar for much needed refreshment - once again temperatures were far too high - even the locals were thinking it rather on the hot side...

...they included, of course, Mr Salvador Dali...

Presents were purchased...

...and lunch was enjoyed back at the flat - last night's leftover quiches...

Then, horror or horrors, down to the beach...
Here's the panoramic view...

...and the roasting Scotch people...

On the way to the Brain Freeze shop, a wee beastie was recorded...

Back to the apartment - we are lucky people... have views like these...

After a rest and a read, back down to the bar...

...and, from there, onto a nearby Italian restaurant for dinner...

...followed by coffee and a walk before heading home once again...
Another enjoyable, restful day...
Highlight of the day : Walking amongst the dead...
Should have come in july. It was unseasonably fresh!
Anything over 20 degrees is too hot for me Linds!
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