Various - Top 100 Artists
JS Bach - Keyboard Music
Up not that early as our flight wasn’t till 10:30 am and so didn’t leave the house till around 8 and trundled the cases down the hill...

Bought a book and enjoyed a coffee...

On to the plane right on time...

As ever, an uneventful flight...

..apart from the drunken young lady from Aberdeen next to me, on a 40th birthday celebration with various other drunken chums, who congregated next to us from other places around the aircraft, having been forced to separate seat-wise due to their last minute boarding, which had afforded much intake of alchohol...
They were ok really but the girl next to me thought the tip of the wing she could see from the window was another plane right alongside us and insisted I prove it wasn't by showing her a photo taken from the window...

Landed in Nice in heat of 35+ degrees...

After asking about Airport bus fairs, we opted for the bus into Nice Central Station rather than straight from the airport to our destination, Menton...

The reason?
Thirty Euros each return on the bus to Menton versus eight Euros each return to Nice station...

...and nine Euros each return to Menton on a comfy train...
No point in throwing our money away...
We could have really cheapskated it by getting the local transport bus from Nice to Menton for just 1 Euro each way but it takes three times as long as the train...
With the main train delayed slightly (and packed), we waited a few extra minutes and took an empty local train for the same thirty minute trip along the Cote d’Azur...

...past Monaco...

...arriving in Menton Station around eight and a half hours after setting off...

...and through the streets under the searing sun...

...trundling the cases with your correspondent sensibly dressed all in black...

Obviously, our apartment had to be at the top of a hill but, on arriving, we realised it was well worth the climb...

Living Room...


...and the view from the bedroom...

A nice selection of CDs and books for those quieter moments...

Out into the town and this right outside our front door...

Here’s the outside of the apartment, second top floor...

...and, on the way down into the town, the church we could see from the bedroom window... need for an alarm clock with three sets of bells in close proximity – which I must add, didn’t annoy in the least...
Round to the old harbour...

...and then back into the main square for some welcome refreshment...

Essential shopping was taken back up the steps...

...and enjoyed whilst overlooking the old town...

Then, out for dinner, spotting the first of a few Cloudland Blue Quartets of the holiday...

...and a shop whose wares would be partaken of later in the week...

Pizza, pasta and more wine enjoyed...

...before a constitutional along the front, with some of its "sights"...
Noisy car...

Jiggling lady...

Interesting passenger...

We even ventured down on to the beach...

Back home, with the sound of the town soundtracking a last look out the window...

Highlight of the Day : On holiday...
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