Music Music Music – Everybody Digs Music
Various – Jazz Jukebox Albums Beginning with “A”
Various – Prep for Cloudland Podcast No XV
Edward Spark CBQ Remix
Depeche Mode - Playing the Angel
A huge overbearing cloud of gloom entered the life of Mr CBQ today – for no discernable reason*...
An overwhelming feeling of “I’ve had enough...”*...
No doubt it will pass...
Finished off Curly the Caterpillar the Chocolate Cake tonight, after a fine sirloin steak salad – handiwork of the Exec Producer...
A taped “Law & Order” was enjoyable, then prep for the next podcast (still have to acquire a further three CDs till it’ll be time to post) enjoying music by Morrissey, Yes, Ben Folds, Clementi, Dowland, Jimi Hendrix and Iron Maiden which went someway to lift the mood...
I think I’ve given up on live music from Mr CBQ though*...
Pre-op inspection on Friday morning looms...
*Ignore the pathetic, morose ramblings of this overweight fool who obviously doesn’t realise just exactly how good he’s got it...
Just as I posted this I realised keeping a diary can be a cathartic exercise...
Highlight of the Day : Music – as ever...
Hi just getting round to exploring your new CD, thanks. Will feedback soon, planning a project. Keep on truckin'.
Hi, fell upon your blog. Dig the music and family touch. Have tagged. As a fellow blogger, what program do you use for the multi-photo pictures. And...because I'd like to incorporate family voices...what do you use for your music cuts. Thanks and happy birthday - Chuck
Hi Impossible Songs - intrigued by your mention of a "project"...
Hi Chicago Splicer - I use "Picasa 3" to create collages of pictures - I sometimes find it quicker to then take a screen shot rather than go ahead and save the collage, as the program eats up memory (of wbich I probably don't have enough)...
As regards music, I upload MP3s to "" (which gives you 5GB free space - I have two accounts, one for Crispycat Recordings for mu own music and one for podcasts of other people's stuff (see links) and I use their embed html text to post into blogger on "html" rather than "compose" mode...
Hope this helps and glad to have you aboard...
I was thinking of adding some of Ali's vocal plus whatever to My Last Trip and remixing it - if you're ok with that. Naturally I'll see you alright when it goes to No1 in Peru.
Always open to interpretation so sounds interesting John - do you want the master Wavs sent over? Mail me?
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