Various - Cagliari Playlist
Laura Pausini - Primavera in Anticipo
Last day and we were up early and down for breakfast to City Bar, once again for King of Pastries and a superb cappachino for me, with Anne preferring a brioche with creme and a machiatto...
Walked along Via Roma, heading for the CD shops we found the other day, having decided I had enough cash left to spash out on the Laura Pausini CD...
We came across a third shop, right in front of our noses on the Via Roma and, for the same price of just under £20, they had a 2CD set featuring both the Italian and the Spanish versions of the album - so I opted for that, before visiting the other two shops but deciding not to buy anything further...
To the Tramer coffee shop again for more coffee and then a nearby pizzeria for a quick lunch of pizza slices...
Back to the flat for the last time, the owner stopped by and we paid her the balance of the rental then it was off, trundling our cases down through the sunny streets to the bus station...
30 minutes after leaving the flat, we were at the airport and were soon checking in...
I wonder why people pay for priority boarding when there's a good chance a bus will take us to the plane and, as they're first on the bus, they'll be last on the plane...
An uneventful flight until landing, with Edinburgh very stormy and windy...
Taxi back to the house where Anne immediately switched on the TV for the Hearts v Hibs derby from Tynecastle (Hearts lost 1-0) while I headed off in the car to Julia's to pick up Meg the Black Cat...
As I took her out to the car at Armadale, we were hit by a torrent of hailstones, the vanguard of a huge downpour, which a soaked CBQ and soaked Cat did their best to make their way back to Edinburgh through...
Via some speedy driving, I managed to get just ahead of the big black cloud and home before the storm hit Crispycat Towers...
A bit of a culture shock weather wise after the unremitting sun in Italy...
Stayed up to watch "Question Time" and "This Week" before retiring around 12:45 am, very tired...
Highlight of the Day : Getting Meg the Black Cat back...
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