Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Over 1,000 miles...

Audio Obscura - Acid Field Recordings In Dub
Bone Music - Don't Void Dead Inside
Bonfire Hill - A Year on Bonfire Hill - Sendelica remix
The British Stereo Collective - exogenesis (super deluxe edition)
Burd Ellen - A Tarot Of The Green Wood
concretism - The Thetford Beast
Fingerwolf - Bigger On The Inside
Gidouille - In Defence Of Nonsense
Loopatronica - Helen Of Four Gates
Me Lost Me - RPG
Pefkin - Observations on Land and Sea
Pulselovers - Cotswold Stone
Scanner - Alchemeia
spaceship - outcrops
TSR2 - Stonehenge
The Twelve Hour Foundation - The Hexagonal World of The Twelve Hour Foundation
Vieon - Inter-City
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Live Suite 2024/25

Travelling today...

Up at...

...seven or so...

Today, we were off to Spain, for this...

...but, before we left, I downloaded music by many of the acts who will be appearing at the SWITCHED ON Whitby Electronic Music Weekender in November and created a playlist for the plane, ending with my own live suite...

Out just after 8...

...and trundling down the hill...

At 9:15 we were through security...

...and breakfasting...

Onto the plane just a few minutes late...

...for the two and a half hour flight to Madrid...

Lift off at 11:15...

As ever, there now follows a, very probably, far too large selection of pictures from my window... 

Anne's Frutellas nourished...

I was able to track our progress via the plane's internal internet system...

I mostly noted where we crossed from land to sea and vice versa...

Soon, we were over Spain...

...and, within no time, starting our descent...

...landing at 13:30, 14:30 Spanish time...

Unlike our recent German trip, where we were on a train to Berlin just 15 minutes after hitting the tarmac, here, thanks to a hellish wait at passport control, we weren't heading for the city until almost two hours after landing...

Then, the convoluted task of locating our accommodation...

...was all a bit...

We picked up the key from a shop a few blocks from our apartment...

...and, after a short walk...

...we were, after an 8 hour journey all told, in...

...and, almost immediately, out...

We were in the Lavapies district, as during our visit here in 2016, and made our way to a square we knew...

...for the first drinks of the holiday...

...and my second...

Then, a walk around the district...

...and we found another old favourite hang out, Lamiak...

...where top Tapas were very much enjoyed...

...before a further short walk to another bar...

...Bar Benteveo...

...featuring Tippi Hedren and the Birds...

...then, to end the day, a constitutional...

...down to the Reina Sofia Museum...

...and back up the hill to our home for the next couple of days...

Lights out in Madrid...

Highlight of the Day : Holiday beginning...

Today's New Music:-

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