Monday, September 23, 2024

Back to that Madrid...

Various - 2024 LPs of the Day Playlist


Time to go...

All packed and tidied, keys left and off we went, into the sunny morning...

Last walk through the streets of Toledo...

To the escalators...

...and down and over the bridge...

Last views...

To the lovely station...

..for a lovely breakfast...

Waiting for security...

...and on...

...for the comfortable, non-stop return to Madrid...

...arriving at 11...

...for the 25 minute walk to tonight's hotel...

...which, like many spots in Spain, afforded good views...

Minimal unpacking for our final night and, then, out...

...and a bus up to the Retiro Park...

...and then to Plaza De Cibeles to check out the airport bus situation...

Onwards towards Sol...

...and then, further walking and back to the place where I learned my mum had passed...

...where a top lunch was enjoyed, almost the same lunch as last Wednesday but we took four ham croquets rather than two ham and two beef...

...and the tortilla of course...

...and the wine...

Post lunch, out and round the corner, finding Lost Things...

Just my kind of place...

The owner, fine with me taking pics... having purchased these finds...

As I left, this was playing and I noted it, to nab on my return home, along with the Nine Inch Nails from the Art Museum in Toledo...


More walking around...

We made our way too, back to Plaza del Dos de Mayo...

...and Gato...

It was a day of repeating...

However, further wandering took us into virgin territory, perhaps gay virgin territory...


I like this shot...

And here, I have become a hairdresser it seems...

Back towards Sol and Cibeles...

...and to the Retiro, retracing our steps from this morning...

This?  Well there was definitely a very green parrot there...

Once again, the open book stalls were few and far between...

How do they know where anything is...

Eventually, back at Reina Sofia...

...and up the hill, to return to our bar - but it was closed on a Monday, so an alternative nearby place...

...was followed by a search for a venue for the final meal of the trip (apart from breakfast tomorrow at the airport)...

Yep, we went for the old Turkish/German fave, Durum and Chips...

...followed by our final constitutional...

...and another 25 minute walk back down to the hotel...

...again noting night bus options for tomorrow...

Into the hotel and noting those holiday purchases in full...

To bed around 9 re tomorrow's required 4 am rise...

Highlight of the Day : The Bodega and Lost Things...

Today's New Music:-

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