Assistant & Cloudland Blue Quartet - Close Enough (Single)
Various Artists - Total 24
King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King (40th Anniv)
Assistant & Cloudland Blue Quartet - Close Enough (Mastered)
Pedro Soares - Forest Glade
Capital Models - 2019-07-12 Beaton Docket
Various - "Good" Debut Albums on Shuffle
Up reasonably early...
The cat routine continued...
A great big happy 92nd birthday today to Mary - here some extras rom the big bunch of flowers to be given to her this morning on a visit from Anne, Jane and me...
But, just post breakfast, a call from sister Sheila to advise carers had called her to say mum was ill, possible infection...
Sheila had called the doc and I had to forego my birthday visit to Mary to head over to Loanhead...
When I arrived mum was nowhere near as bad as had been anticipated...
In fact, fully compos mentis and able to relate the content of her night which included various hallucinations, including my dad being with her in the house and then their being in a shopping mall...
Here she is relating the story - I recorded this and sent it to Sheila to show her mum was actually not too bad...
In fact, she was attempting to write down things to ask the doc whenver he/shee arrived...
Another call from Sheila to advise I should trundle mum round to the surgery...
Just after getting her into the wheelchair, the nurse arrived to change the dressing on her leg re a fresh would incurred a couple of days ago while getting out of bed...
The nurse did her stuff and mum's prep was completed...
Round to the docs and seen nice and quickly...
Could not be determined whether there actually was an infection but it was entirely possible and so, antibiotics for 5 days were prescribed...
The doc said, in light of this, not to panic too soon if it happens again and to monitor the position...
Home and back in her seat...
I popped to the chemist for the pills and gave her the first...
As the lunchtime carers arrived, I headed off home...
The planned visit to the Guild this afternoon had turned into a visit to the doc in the morning...
Back home, Luna was cute...
An episode of "Grace", first of four, enjoyed...
A text from the optician to advise my main glasses were now ready...
An episode of "Grace" first of four, enjoyed...
Then, as Anne made the tea, updated the red books of CDs I own...
Luna entertained as I "worked"...
71 minutes to record 87 CDs into the book. This is how I waste my time… an enjoyable way…
And now, tome for tea - look at these bad boys!
Another "Grace" enjoyed - much better than the nonetheless enjoyable first this afternoon...
Back upstairs for some work on the Assistant track post discussions with them - we'd both agreed the initial "pre stems" demo was somehow better than the mix I did later yesterday using said stems instead of the 25 second snippet of the piece...
Successful new mixes of the 7" edit and the full track, done, mastered and a link provided...
Downstairs for some listening while Anne surfed with Luna...
Three new discoveries late this evening - Paolo Soares, Underwater Airport and Peeter Uuskyla/Tellef Øgrim/Anders Berg Trio...
Check them on Bandcamp...
Lights out...
Highlight of the Day : Mum not being as ill as suspected...
Today's New Music:-
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