Friday, February 16, 2024

Back where she currently belongs...

Grandaddy - Blue Wav
Jacob David - Retrospective
Bach, J S - Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 (Arr. for Guitar by Anonymous)
Steve Hackett - The Circus and the Nightwhale
Vitamin String Quartet - VSQ Performs Taylor Swift
Vitamin String Quartet - Various
Capital Models - Wedding Sets
Lou Reed - Berlin

Up and doing this - including updating an entry from last September! Just the one though, another 149 old entries to get done still  - see above...


New music day - so downloading some stuff first thing - including the new Grandaddy...

I also had a thought that, for the wedding in May, instead of disco music while the buffet is served, we could have string quartet versions of some of the low key material we would also be playing live, or which is in our repertoire but not being played - so some time spent researching that...

Then, phone calls, phone calls, phone calls...

Arranged to meet the Occupational Therapists at my mum's at 2pm..

Arranged for new equipment to be delivered, both today and next Wednesday...

But then, Whatsapps with sister Sheila who was there first thing - mum not good...

Discussions back and forth...

Carers in...

Hospital at home in...

H@H called in doctors...

And so, while I was on my way to arrive at 12 (soundtracked by a playlist of the aforementioned string quartets) and let Sheila away to her erstwhile next door neighbour's funeral, a call to say mum was to go back to hospital and an ambulance had been called...

I arrived and let Sheila away...

Discussions with the doctor's during which I made it plain the carer package had been inadequate and we had suspected mum had not been right ever since she got home, which the inadequate carer package had merely exacerbated...

The doc agreed...

Into the ambulance mum eventually went as I cleared recently bought items from her fridge and prepared to follow...

After some work done in situ...

...around 1, we set off for the hospital - blue lights and sirens...

I managed to follow until around half way there, then, could not, of course, replicate their ambulance with blue lights and sirens traffic dodging movements...

It probably took me half an hour more (or even longer) to arrive...

Luckily, I had a book as I waited in A&E...

Around 3:15, I was allowed in to see her... 

...and advised that, while her infection was not toooo serious, she should, nonetheless, probably not have been discharged...

...and certainly not with such a shockingly badly assessed care package...

And just to compound matters, I had to try and tell the young Dutch doctor, Lotte, everything there was to know about the situation, as the copious notes made at the house by the Hospital at Home doctors somehow did not make it to the hospital with mum...


Home around 5 and messaging mum's still alive chums that she was back in - relief from all, given Janette and Linda's experiences yesterday and what Moira had been hearing...

I will be back at the Infirmary tomorrow to find out where mum is, pay her a visit, try and cheer her up and let everyone know what's a-happening...

And so, an air of quasi normality returned in the knowledge that mum was once again in safe hands...

A query on Twitter or BlueSky re a Bach Box - this one...

...bought, if I recall correctly, in Marburg on a day trip way back, with Jorg Sonnenschein...

Meanwhile, my BeReal today was a little like this but with the added attraction of an empty toilet roll to the bottom left...

Tea tonight accompanied by these...

On collection, the lady quizzed me as to why no rice or bread in our order, followed by "cooking at home?"...

"Cost of living crisis" I replied...

But, you know, if you can cook your own rice and you have bread in the cupboard, why waste cash that could be spent on CDs?

And so, tasty curries all round...

...during which, these arrived from Amazon, hopefully mum will get to use them at home soon...

The rest of the evening was spent watching TV, "Leverage" x 2 and new to us, "Mr & Mts Smith" x 2...

Quite a day...

Highlight of the Day : Mum getting back to hospital, even though that means she's ill...

Today's New Music:-

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