Monday, January 22, 2024

(Re) Master blaster...

Sombre Reptiles - The 1996 Tapes
Sombre Reptiles - Songs of the Sombre Reptiles 1980-1995 (Box Set) (2024 Remaster)
Capital Models - Anthology
Capital Models - Anthology (2024 Remaster)

Up just after seven...

 ...and got sucked into a Neal Morse fest scenario, putting together a list of all his LPs and sourcing ones I didn't have - all due to having enjoyed his latest last thing yesterday and first thing this morning...

The playlist now contains over 70 albums...

Meanwhile, in the kitchen...

Once again, I did not bother getting dressed, as I was not going anywhere...

 Some chat over Whatsapp with Edward Spark re his remastered version of Sopmbre Reptiles "Galleryshard", which he's been working on for a while...

Last night, he'd suggested I run a few tracks through something called BandLab and compare and contrast with his work...

Suffice to say, on doing this I was sold on the idea of doing my own mastering...

And so, the day was mostly spent remastering the proposed big Sombre Reptiles box set which Edward Spark has had on his to do list for a few months now (of his own volition I might add)...

His pointing me to BandLab removed this item from his list and he reckons has saved him 2 months' work...

I remastered the entire 6CD set in a couple of hours...

The wonder of AI indeed...

In fact it was so simple, I also remastered the Capital Models Anthology set and decided to release it this Friday, the 44th anniversary of our recording of "The Sweet Thrill of Industry"...

On telly, we binged the first four of six episodes of "After the Flood"...

And, I think we also watched the last of the three new "Vera" episodes...

Anne at Pilates so baked potatoes and "University Challenge" was the order of the day...

Another poor score from the Crispycat team but hey ho - it could not take a way form a very productive day...

Highlight of the Day : Remastering...

Today's New Music:-

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