Sunday, January 28, 2024

Excitement tempered by disappointment...

Spock's Beard - The Oblivion Particle
Spock's Beard - The Kindness Of Strangers
Spock's Beard - Brief Nocturnes And Dreamless Sleep
Capital Models - 2023-12-03
Capital Models - 2023-11-19
Capital Models - 2024-01-14
Capital Models - 2023-07-02
Capital Models - 2023-05-27
Capital Models - 2020-02-25
Capital Models - 2023-08-06
Capital Models - 2021-08-11
Capital Models - 2022-06-04
Capital Models - 2020-03-10
Capital Models - 2022-11-20
Capital Models - 2020-02-09
Capital Models - 2022-12-04
Capital Models - 2023-03-26
Capital Models - 2024-01-28

Another busy day ahead...

The cat on the calendar was chasing the VW Campervan...

Before Anne was even awake, I was off out to pick up Paul Keyboards...

Roslin at 10 for today's rehearsal...

Having concentrated on the Bowie/Roxy/Eno/Velvets sets since John B Guitarist joined the band, today, we were starting work on songs we might do at a Wedding booking on my birthday in May...

Over the last fortnight, the boys in the band (ex John B) have been choosing songs they feel would work best at the event...

So, we did our soundcheck re the mix then talked through all the choices - which ended up totaling just over 60 of our 110 songs...

I'd put the entire repertoire into reverse order of No of Times Played, to determine the songs we'd probably need to work on most and so, today, we worked on 18 songs which John B had never played before...

It went very well indeed and was a wee booster for the band to play different songs...

After a break, a coffee and cake break...

John W Drummer's Exec Producer Moira had made a lovely Bakewell Tray Bake...

Then, back to work for another hour and a half or so...

Good work from the team...

Took Paul to a stop from where he jumped onto a bus heading for his home, as I was off to see my my mum...

Yet another infection and still failing to grasp that she will not be able to move around independently any more once she gets home...

Consequently, very depressed about it all...

"What's the point of still being here" was the quote of the day...

I explained it wouldn't be too much different from how she was before, as the carers then did most things for her and, as far as going outside, we could still do that but it would need to be via taxi rather than her kids' cars...

I also got a promise from the nurse in charge that the physios would be made aware that mum wanted to try again to walk with the aid of a zimmer, as she felt she has not been given a fair crack of the whip in that respect...

Home around 5 - almost like working...

Anne was making a lovely lasagne...

...which was , indeed, lovely...

...and enjoyed by your correspondent and his Exec Producer, with these...

Then, to work, editing today's sessions...

132 minutes of chat and work and attempts removed... leave us with around 65 minutes of music...

I did not send it out yet as the tracks need more work as regards editing - cutting and pasting and cross fading to replace parts with remaining errors with similar parts from elsewhere in the song with no errors...

Etc etc...

Back downstairs at 9 for the first in the new season of "Trigger Point"...

Very good indeed!

Then, some listening back to today on the cans while Anne watched football and surfed the net on the eve of her birthday...

Lights out...

Highlight of the Day : Rehearsing...

Today's New Music:-

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