Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Some things are ahead of their time...

Various - Album Tracks of Between 2:40 and 3:20 Bought 1972-1982

A good scene in the dining room this morning...

While the Exec Producer caught up on things she likes to catch up on...

...and I listened to some old records...

When I bought "Trout Mask Replica" it sounded like the biggest load of rubbish - nowadays, people have caught up - as have I...

Another five miles today...

This on the side of a permanent box on the street...

Home under the sun...

...for a tasty prawn and chorizo pasta tea - yum...

A "CSI" on tivo and "Holby" (hooked on "Holby") "live"...

Playlists up to 1982 now complete - of the 900 odd LPs on my old lists, just over 200 are missing - re many of those, I don't mind - but some omissions in the collection now are surprising...

Annoying back pain now into day four...

It could be worse...

Meanwhile, I have lyrics to write, CDs to sort out, an attic to continue clearing - and various other stuff...

Lights out...

Highlight of the Day : Tasty prawn and chorizo pasta...

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