Various - Albums Released in 2012
Capital Models - Covers Sets
Up early and updating this and trying to decide on my favourite albums acquired in 2012...
Still trying...
Anne was off to Zumba with Lynn this morning so took the opportunity to run through a rehearsal of the three sets Capital Models will play tomorrow night...
Playing and singing along to the CDs of the live rehearsal at the bowling club a couple of weeks back...

Went much better than the last time...
Jamie advised by text that he is gargling Kavonia cough mixture re his worn out throat but hopes to be ok for the performance...
A late lunch and "Aliens in the Attic" upon Anne's return...
More mucking about at the PC, including "The Genius of David Bowie" on the BBC iPlayer, while Anne watched "Downton Abbey"...
Tasty chinese takeaway...
Second part of "Restless"...
Surfing the net...
That was it...
Highlight of the day : Rehearsing...
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